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December 2004


RegionLink: Bringing Practitioners Together

ARS is pleased to announce that in January, 2005, we will be officially unveiling RegionLink, our new moderated information exchange resource. A blend of a up to date news on innovation, database, a community of practice, a listserv, and the affinity group model, RegionLink will provide individuals and organizations with the opportunity to network and share relevant, meaningful information on issues of mutual interest.

ARS recognizes that the experts on regional issues are the practitioners-those individuals and organizations directly involved in regional initiatives. Through RegionLink, ARS will serve as a broker of information-connecting individuals and organizations with the experts (other practitioners) that can provide them with information and answer their questions. RegionLink will be administered by an ARS staff member, who will be available to assist practitioners via phone or email.

The RegionLink website ( will include a variety of resources. First, every day we add news articles of interest to our practitioners. These articles can be seen on the home page.

Secondly, we have developed a searchable database of case studies, best practices, lessons learned, news articles, and other items of interest to regional practitioners. This database will be searchable through four methods. The first will be a listing of practitioners, or sectors, involved in regional initiatives - such as government, nonprofits, or business. The second will be an issue/topic listing, such as social inclusion, livable community, transportation, housing, etc. The third will be a list of our FAQ's and other questions that practitioners are asking. The fourth will be a keyword search. All of the information found on RegionLink will be listed under any and all areas to which it is related. For example, an initiative around livable communities involving local government and the business community would be found under business, government, housing, transportation, livable community, etc. will serve as a networking resource. We encourage organizations to visit the RegionLink Network page, and list your organization-including mission, activities and programs, and issue areas. This listing will aid practitioners as they search for other regions addressing particular issues.

The website will also provide numerous opportunities for discussion and sharing ideas. ARS will be hosting a series of events through the first few months of 2005, including brown bag presentations and moderated discussions. Online discussion groups and listservs are also available.

RegionLink will be provided at no cost to practitioners through February, 2005. Beginning March 1st, access to certain sections will be restricted to ARS's Individual and Organizational Stewards, as well as RegionLink subscribers. Further information on annual subscriptions to RegionLink will be posted in January.

For more information on RegionLink, please contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manager, at .


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