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Austin Forum to Examine Role of CEOs in Propelling Regional Agenda

Regional Stewardship Award Applications Due March 1, 2004

The next National Forum on Regional Stewardship, set for May 19-21 in Austin, Texas, will address the theme, Propelling the Regional Agenda: The Role of CEOs, spotlighting the Austin communitys strategic actions, beginning in the mid-1980s, to diversify its economic base from a center of government and higher education to a region of technological innovation. Presenters will discuss the specific contributions and roles of corporate leaders in shaping communities futures, meeting the jobs/skills mismatch, balancing the interests of industry, development and environmental protection, and attracting and nurturing the creative class.

The newly renovated historic Driskill Hotel, located in downtown Austin, is the venue for the May Forum, and is offering the discounted rate of $155/night for single or double rooms. To make room reservations, visit the hotels website at or call and mention the Alliance for National Stewardship. New or renewing organizational stewards receive two free Forum registrations, while individual stewards receive a $50 discount. The registration fee for all other attendees is $150 prior to April 23, 2004 and $200 thereafter.

Regional Stewardship Award. The May Forum will also be the occasion for the presentation of the first-ever Regional Stewardship Award, at the closing luncheon on Friday, May 21st. Note that Regional Stewardship Award applications are due at the ARS office on Monday, March 1st. Information on the Award program, detailed instructions and a downloadable entry blank may be obtained by clicking on the button below.

Future issues of this newsletter will list confirmed presenters and incorporate a link to the detailed agenda, which currently is under development. For more information on the National Forum on Regional Stewardship or the Regional Stewardship Award program, contact Amy Carrier, ARS Manager, by e-mail at or by telephone at .



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