RegionWatch Index

February 2006


Indicators Index Sparks Regional Discussion on Long Island

Nancy Douzinas
President, The Rauch Foundation, Garden City, New York

Member, ARS Board of Directors

In November 2002, a small group of Long Island’s civic, academic, labor and business leaders met at the Greentree Foundation’s conference center in Manhasset to discuss challenges facing the Long Island region and potential catalysts for new direction.

On February 12, 2004, the first Long Island Index was launched at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Genome research center.  This achievement was the result of 15 months of coming together by Long Island ’s academics, businesses, labor and nonprofits.  The effort was built on the premise that an indicators project, such as those that have been a catalyst for positive results elsewhere, could work here.

The Long Island Index is a project that gathers and publishes data on the Long Island region.  Our operating principle is: “Good information presented in a neutral manner can move policy.”  The Index does not advocate specific policies.  Instead, our goal is to be a catalyst for action, by engaging the community in thinking about our region and its future.



Indicators Project Generates Stewardship Academy, Regional Planning on Long Island

The Long Island Index, an indicators project created by the Rauch Foundation to regularly gather and publish data about the state of the region, has spawned an innovative new tool to promote regional stewardship on Long Island.  Launched in January 2006, the Energeia PartnershipAcademy for Regional Stewardship at Molloy College will bring together a diverse group of regional leaders to confront and implement solutions for Long Island’s most urgent problems.

“Energeia” is a word Aristotle used to describe the action that turns potential energy into actuality, something that has been desperately needed on Long Island.  (See ARS Letter to You) The region is “sadly short on regional thinking,” according to the editorial board of Newday, its daily newspaper. 



Brookings: Challenges of First Suburbs Largely Ignored

Neither fully urban nor completely suburban, America's older, inner-ring, “first” suburbscontaining nearly 20 percent of the U.S. populationhave a set of challenges very different from those of the center city and fast growing newer places.  Yet, first suburbs exist in a policy “blindspot,” with their needs largely ignored.

The Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program in February released “A Fifth of America” ( an analysis of first suburbs throughout the nation.  This paper defines first suburbs, examines their similarities and differences, and, finally, sets out a policy agenda tailored specifically to these distinctive places.

Brookings also held a forum ( by Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-New York), Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) and county executives from Allegheny, Arlington, Dallas, King, and Nassau countiesto examine their similarities and differences, and, finally, delineate an agenda tailored specifically to these distinctive places.



Register for the 13th ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship to be held in Chicago, Illinois, May 3-5 2006 "Creating Competitive Regions"

The next ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship will be held in Chicago, Illinois, May 3-5, 2006, at the Hotel Allegro. The theme of this spring's Forum is "Creating Competitive Regions."



Share Your Region's Story on RegionLink

Does your region have advice and experience to share with others about its journey toward regional stewardship?  Consider submitting them for publication on RegionLink (, the interactive, online community for regional practitioners.

RegionLink is hosted by the Alliance for Regional Stewardship and accessible to ARS members.  RegionLink’s database contains hundreds of documents including case studies and regional best practices for practitioners to learn from, profiles of regions with successful stewardship activities, and reports and presentations from ARS conferencesall of which are searchable by topics such as transportation, economic development, housing, security, and leadership. 

ARS would like you to consider RegionLink as your region’s online library.  To submit materials to share on RegionLink, just send an email to with a summary of the document and ARS will follow up..



New Guide Encourages Civic Engagement

"Civic Engagement: A Guide for Communities"
By Pamla J. Strand and Melinda D. Patrician of the Arlington Forum

Reviewed by Malka Kopell
Executive Director of Community Focus and program officer for the William and Florda Hewlett Foundation

This guide to civic engagement recently published by the Arlington Forum is neither an in-depth encyclopedia nor a step-by-step manual … nor is it intended to be.   Less of a “how-to” than a “you can do it!” it gently makes the case to communities that civic engagement is a healthy way to solve problems.  By using the metaphor of civic engagement as a practice that a community does to improve its health (at points civic engagement can be a “triathlon” or just “consistently deciding to take the stairs instead of riding the elevator”), the guide shows that this practice is good for you and worth the inconvenience or bother that you might come across along the way.



Register for Regional Collaboration Workshop in Seattle, March 16-17

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is hosting a workshop on “Regional Collaboration: Learning to Think and Act Like a Region,” March 16-17 at the University of Washington ’s Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs in Seattle .

The purpose of the workshop, which ARS is co-sponsoring, is to build and share knowledge about regional collaboration by highlighting some of the most promising case studies around the nation.  Attendees will discuss and work with cases involving land development and community growth in a regional context, link regional collaboration theory and practice, explore tools and strategies for effective regional initiatives, and engage in learning exercises that apply strategies to real-world situations.  Courses will be conducted by the Consensus Building Institute.



Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership Seeks New President/CEO

For the last 15 years, the Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership has encouraged and participated in the development of affordable housing for people of moderate to low incomes in the metro Atlanta region.  ANDP is also Atlanta ’s leading voice engaged in systematic advocacy for public policies that pave the way for new community models with affordable housing as a key part of the mix.

With the upcoming retirement of its founder, Hattie B. Dorsey, ANDP is currently seeking a new president and CEO to build on this legacy by continuing the work in housing finance, development and advocacy and building revenues generated from these sources; broadening relationships and strengthening fundraising capabilities to ensure economic and programmatic sustainability; and promoting a disciplined financial and operating culture of accountability consistent with ANDP’s position as one of Georgia ’s leading nonprofits. 


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RegionWatch Index