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January 2006


New Opportunity Forecast Released

The Great North Alliance (GNA) recently released the 2005-2006 Great North Opportunity Forecast.  The Forecast informs private, civic, and public decision-making processes with sound information, good intentions, and an appreciation of the global standing of the Twin Cities region. Examining the Twin Cities? historic strengths and the current trends, GNA offers information for shaping the destiny of our region and addressing issues critical to future opportunity.

In this fourth benchmarking of regional social and economic competitiveness, GNA again consider four measurement areas, or building blocks, necessary for regional innovation:  Development Capacity, Innovation Capacity, Resource Flow, and Current Performance. New this year is an increase in the number of indicators employed to 120 from 58 in past reports. GNA added more attention this year to indicators of social health, government performance, and entrepreneurial value added among others.

The post-2001 economic recovery period is a particular focus of this Opportunity Forecast. Recessions are a period of economic restructuring as existing business models incorporate innovations to exploit new advantages. The process of creative destruction more intensely channels resources away from less productive investments and toward more competitive ones during recessions.

The Great North Alliance is a civic leadership organization that brings the Twin Cities region?s best talent to bear on issues affecting the social and economic competitiveness of our region. The Great North networks CEO-level leaders committed to preserving core community values while sustaining an environment that creates value and broadbased regional prosperity in the fast-changing global context. Find more information on The Great North Alliance at, or contact Douglas Petty, CEO, at , .


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