RegionWatch Index

June 2004


Salt Lake City to Host Next National Forum on Regional Stewardship

Save the Dates: November 10-12, 2004

The next National Forum on Regional Stewardship will be held November 10-12, 2004 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Salt Lake City Forum, to be presented in cooperation with the Coalition for Utahs Future will highlight the importance of engaging the media in outreach to the public on regional initiatives, among other topics. The program currently is under developmentmore details will be highlighted in this newsletter during the coming months. For more information on the upcoming National Forum on Regional Stewardship in Salt Lake City, contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manger, at or via e-mail at .

Indicators Affinity Group Update

Public Participation adds Vision and Legitimacy to Projects

On Thursday, May 20th, ARS convened a meeting of its Regional Indicators Affinity Group in conjunction with the recent National Forum for Regional Stewardship in Austin, Texas. The group indicated interest in a number of subjects, and raised a number of questions about the process of conducting indicators studies. Starting with the idea that indicators studies should serve as vehicles for action, it was generally agreed that public participation and input is critical to such projects because it fosters legitimacy and can help incorporate a driving vision into the indicators process. For additional information on the Regional Indicators Affinity Group, please contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manager, at or .



Partner Profile: PolicyLink

Oakland, California

Each month, we profile a national organization with which ARS has partnered to reach a broader constituency. In profile this month is PolicyLink, a national nonprofit research, communications, capacity-building, and advocacy organization working to advance a new generation of policies to achieve economic and social equity. PolicyLinks work emphasizes strategies to ensure that everyone including low-income communities of color can contribute to and benefit from local and regional growth and development. Angela Glover Blackwell is president of PolicyLink; for more information, visit the website


MetroBusinessNet Releases New Report

Oakland, California

MetroBusinessNet, a Ford Foundation-supported national network of business-led civic organizations developed by FutureWorks, has released a new report entitled Imagine A Region&, which presents the experience of three years of research and technical assistance conducted in five metropolitan regions. A major conclusion of this work is that business suffers and overall regional prosperity is less where traffic congestion, sprawl, central-city decline, and affordable housing shortages are permitted continue or grow unabated. FutureWorks is a pioneer in the emerging field of sustainable and inclusive regional economic growth.


Regional Profile: Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth

Buffalo, New York

Founded 1997, the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth is housed at the University at Buffalo, part of the State University of New York system. The Institute has built a reputation in the Buffalo-Niagara community as an organization committed to sound research and analysis of issues affecting the region. In addition to leveraging the resources of the university, the Institute often partners with the community to address matters of regional concern, particularly in the areas of economy and governance. John B. Sheffer, II is executive director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth; for more information, visit the website



My Soul Looks Back in Wonder, by Juan Williams, AARP/Sterling, 2004, 214 pages, $19.95 (hardbound).

Reviewed by David Lampe

My Soul Looks Back in Wonder is a moving compilation of brief memoirs drawn from the Voices of Civil Rights project of AARP and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. With the exception of a foreword by David Halberstam, an introduction by Juan Williams and an afterword by Marian Wright Edelman, the book consists entirely of excerpts from interviews conducted through the Voices project. Each of the 33 chapters offers a different perspective on social activism, with the majority of the reflections centering on 1964s Freedom Summer, and the unanticipated violence that soured the idealism of that projects organizers.



Obesity Problems Worsen, but Solutions Emerge

By Neal Peirce

Americas obesity problem is getting worse. The only ray of hope is that many people are now paying attention, seeking some solution. The most obvious idea is lots more physical exercisegetting everyone off their duffs, starting with kids whose school gym hours have been scrubbed out by local budget crises and academic pressures. Then theres the companion pressure to curtail junk foods. A new wrinkle: suggesting its time for the federal government to stop subsidizing fat-generating products such as corn syrup. Were also seeing a new push to redesign our communities to get people out of their cars more often, walking and bicycling again.


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