RegionWatch Index

June 2005


John Parr, President & CEO


Summer greetings from your Alliance for Regional Stewardship (ARS)!  In this e-newsletter is a quick update on activities and programs to increase your capacity to change the way your communities are dealing with challenges and opportunities.

The day prior to the Greater Washington Forum on Regional Stewardship in May, the Gardner Academy staff ran a day-long session on creating and establishing collaborative regional initiatives.  Teams from six regions participated in the interactive session that included ARS Chair George Vradenburg; ARS Board member Nancy Douzinas, President of the Rauch Foundation and initiator of the Long Island Index; and Ann Florie, head of Leadership Birmingham and Region 2020.  Participants were able to take the challenges they are facing in their own regions and develop new ways of  framing the issues, recruiting partners, and implementing collaborative, multi-sector initiatives.


Greater Philadelphia's Knowledge Industry Partnership

When one thinks of Philadelphia, many things come to mind depending on interests and perspectives.  The City of Brotherly Love is renowned for its sports franchises and its rather passionate fans; film buffs think of the many movies for which the city served as a backdrop, from “The Philadelphia Story” to Tom Hanks’ poignant portrayal in “Philadelphia” and the “Rocky” films.  History buffs recall the Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin, William Penn and the city’s role in the birth of the nation.  Food aficionados will think of cheesesteaks and hoagies; and of course, there’s W.C Fields’ epitaph that he’d “rather be in Philadelphia.” 



Each month in 2005, ARS will be introducing its Board members and Associates. This month, we introduce Joan Riehm, Deputy Mayor of Louisville Metro (Louisville, Kentucky), and David Soule, Associate Director of Northeastern University's Center for Urban & Regional Policy.



ARS Begins Planning Fall 2005 National Forum

12th National Forum will highlight Louisville Merger experience

Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson has announced that Louisville Metro, in cooperation with the Alliance for Regional Stewardship, will host this Fall a national Forum that will examine successful models of local government  collaboration across the United States.

The Forum, “Collaborative Government: Is Your Community Ready?” will be held November 8-11, 2005, at the Brown Hotel.   Civic, business, and government leaders are invited to this Forum to network and explore the many ways that local governments are saving money, improving services, and promoting economic development through collaboration.


Next Regional Stewardship Boot Camp To Be Held November 9th in Louisville, Kentucky

The John W. Gardner Academy announces plans for the next Regional Stewardship Boot Camp to be held in conjunction with the National Forum in Louisville this November. The Regional Stewardship Boot Camp is an intensive, one-day session and 6 months of follow-up coaching aimed at showing participants how to launch a breakthrough regional stewardship initiative or take an existing effort to the next stage. Details and registration information are available on the web site at

 For more information about the Regional Stewardship Boot Camp, contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manager, or by calling .


Northern Kentucky's Most Influential People: #1, Jim Votruba

Vision Reshapes NKU - and NKY

Northern Kentucky's Vision 2015 received one of the 2005 ARS Regional Stewardship Awards in May 2005. Jim Votruba, President of the Northern Kentucky University, is co-chair of the Vision 2015 effort. Jim has also been one of the leaders of ARS's collaborative initiative with the American Association of States Colleges and Universities' (AASCU) Making Place Matter project, which is developing strategies to help state colleges and universities become catalysts for regional stewardship. Last month Northern Kentucky's local paper, the Sunday Challenger, recognized him for his stewardship activities in the region.

HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KENTUCKY - Since arriving at Northern Kentucky University eight years ago, President Jim Votruba has redefined the university's role in the community. In the process, he has reshaped both NKU and the region, earning widespread respect.

"You aren't going to find anybody who'll tell you anything other than: Jim Votruba is a great leader," said Campbell County Judge-executive Steve Pendery.

As co-chair of the Vision 2015 initiative, Votruba is now helping shape Northern Kentucky's future, laying groundwork for the next decade and beyond. To him, Vision 2015's most important goal is to cultivate a new generation of leaders to continue what he and others have begun.



Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Seeking Chief Executive Officer

The Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce is one of three partners that make up the Regional Growth Alliance. David Adkisson, former President & CEO of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, was a key player in the formation of the Regional Growth Alliance.  David has left the Chamber to take on the role of President and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. The Greater Birmingham Region was a recipient of the 2004 Regional Stewardship Award.

For Greater Birmingham and the surrounding Region, all the elements of success are present and momentum is advancing, awaiting the seasoned professional prepared to leverage the area’s considerable human, material and capital resources into a cohesive force to advance the Region.

The Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce is seeking to present a diverse panel of exceptional leaders for consideration as candidates for this key role.


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   Philadelphia, PA   19104
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