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November/December 2005


Northeast Wisconsin Economic Opportunity Study

The single greatest benefit resulting from the Northeast Wisconsin Economic Opportunity Study has been the development of partnerships and regional collaboration.  Collaboration has been greatly enhanced between existing organizations and the NEW EOS has mobilized the private sector into action at levels unseen prior to the study?s release.   

Is there more work to be done? Yes but this is a work in progress and the results continue to unfold.  Some of the highlights include the following:

First Annual Northeast Wisconsin Business Plan Contest

The NEW EOS suggested created a business plan contest to improve the lack of business formations in Wisconsin.  Therefore, to grow businesses in Northeast Wisconsin, the first annual business plan contest is currently underway.  Over 100 business plans have been submitted for review.  Winners of the contest will be announced in early January 2006.

Fox Valley Health Care Alliance

The Fox Valley Healthcare Alliance (FVHCA) mission is to ensure an adequate supply of high-quality healthcare workers in the Fox Valley region. A national trend shows a drastic need for employees in almost all areas of healthcare, especially as the nation?s population ages. The FVHCA will work to find solutions to common labor problems that transcend organizational, educational, and company differences.

There are many components to this project including: a healthcare workforce needs assessment for the region; a website to facilitate access to healthcare employment requirements, a speaker?s bureau, a regional job shadow program, and a grant application for online access to clinical experiences.  The FVHCA serves Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Outagamie, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties.

North East Wisconsin Economic Partnership (NEWREP) now has part-time staff.

NEWREP is a consortium of economic development professionals, technical colleges, and workforce development organizations.  It was created in 2002 as a 16 county  Technology Zone to implement a tax credit program but is committed to pursue initiatives beyond this original scope to enhance the region?s economic and business development environment.  In late 2005, the Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc. committed funding to provide part-time staffing for this organization to assist in the regional objectives of helping to bridge the gap the gap between job creation initiatives and workforce objectives.   

New North Organization: ?New North: North of what you expect?

The NEW EOS study has mobilized the private sector into action to form a regional economic development organization seeking to incorporate.  They have hired an executive director and will be working in tandem with the organizations mentioned above and others in the region.  They will bring their fund raising capabilities, their marketing talent and bring forward a major branding campaign to share with the 18 county region. The intent is that the public and private sectors will all share in the branding campaign and adhere to the branding standards.  The region brand will be the ?New North? with the tagline ?North of what you expect?.

For more information on the NEW EOS, visit the Study?s website at


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