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DVDs Available for Louisville?s ?Lessons from Merger? Workshop

As part of the November meeting of the National Forum on Regional Stewardship, Louisville?s recently-merged Metro Government hosted a ?Lessons from Merger? Workshop November 8-9.  Evaluations of the event were unanimously enthusiastic.

?Very thorough look at all aspects of the merger,? said one participant.  Another appreciated the ?exposure to key leaders and candor?; and a third said the Workshop offered ?real truthful information from numerous messengers.?

As the largest city-county consolidation to occur in the U.S. in more than three decades, the 2000 referendum that approved the merger of Louisville and Jefferson County governments has been the focus of inquiries from more than 50 cities, counties, and states. 

The Lessons from Merger Workshop was designed to bring together for the first time many of the activists who kept the merger question on Louisville?s community agenda for almost a half-century, and to examine how well the new Metro Government is working after three years of operation (it was launched in January, 2003). 

Participants from 20 states heard from civic and business leaders who promoted merger and those who opposed it, elected officials who drafted the merger legislation and campaign consultants who marketed it to voters, Metro Government officials including Police Chief Robert White and four members of the new Metro Council and Mayor Jerry E. Abramson, who hosted an extensive question/answer session at the closing luncheon.

The entire Workshop was taped by Louisville Metro TV, and is now available on DVDs which can be purchased through Louisville Metro Government.  A set of three DVDs, which cover the entire Workshop, can be ordered for $55.00.  Individual DVDs, which cover specific Workshop sessions, are available for $21 each.

Shipping begins right after the New Year, and delivery will take about two weeks. Orders must be accompanied by a check payable to Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government. 

To order, click here for an order form. 

Questions?  Contact Joan Riehm, Deputy Mayor, Louisville Metro, at or .


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