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September 2004


Register Now for Salt Lake City Forum, November 10-12, 2004

Program to Emphasize Smart Growth, Outreach Strategies

The next National Forum on Regional Stewardship will be held November 10-12, 2004 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Salt Lake City Forum, to be presented in cooperation with the Coalition for Utah's Future, sponsor of Envision Utah, will highlight participatory planning for smart growth and the importance of engaging the media in outreach to the public on regional initiatives, among other topics. The Salt Lake City Forum will feature an expanded Wednesday program, consisting of a tour of the region's Gateway project, which demonstrates mixed-use, transit-oriented brownfield redevelopment, and an optional dinner excursion to Park City with structured, en route presentations on Utah history, regional high-tech industrial clusters, state political trends, and more. Registration is $150 for ARS individual members (free for eligible organizational members) and $200 for non-members prior to October 18, 2004 (the fee increases by $50 thereafter). Also, individual stewards attending in regional groups of three or more will receive a $50 discount on each registration.

Other highlights will include workshops on new ARS monographs addressing Livable Communities, Regional Business-Led Civic Organizations and Regional Indicators Projects. The Forum will conclude at 1:00 pm on Friday, November 12th to accommodate eastbound air travel; however, we encourage participants to remain for optional afternoon and evening activities, including tours, discussions and social events. The Hotel Monaco will honor the discounted room rate of $149/night (single) and $159/night (double) through the weekend (to make reservations, call toll-free ). To view a draft of the Salt Lake City Forum agenda, click on the button below. For more information, contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manager, at or via e-mail at .



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