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Alliance for Regional Stewardship Forum " National Stewardship Forum
Boston, Massachusetts " November 5-7, 2003

This National Stewardship Forum took place November 5-7, 2003 in Boston, Massachusetts at the Omni Parker House Hotel. Key elements of the proceedings are posted below. To view individual presentations, click on the name of the presenter.


Participants List

Thursday, November 6

Morning Program

  • Boston Case Study
    • Overview
    • Part OneMaking Collaboration Work
      • Curtis Johnson, Citistates Group (Moderator)
      • Marc Draisen, Director, Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council
      • Stephen Burrington, Commonwealth Development
      • Vineet K. Gupta, Boston Transportation Department

    • Part TwoCollaborating on Smart Growth: The Boston Experience
      • Curtis Davis, Landscape Architect (Moderator)
      • Larissa Brown, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance
      • Richard C. Howard, Mayor, City of Malden
      • Charlotte Kahn, Boston Foundation Indicators Project, The Boston Foundation
    • Notes
    • Additional Materials
      • "Connecting the Region and Its People: Civic Leadership in Greater Boston"
      • Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance Brochure

Luncheon Program

  • Higher Education and Regional Stewardship
    • Overview
      • Richard M. Freeland, President, Northeastern University
      • Richard L. Pattenaude, President, University of Southern Maine
    • Notes

Afternoon Program

  • Concurrent Interactive Workshops
    • Option A: Tools for Planning
    • Overview
      • Charles Wheelan, Chicago Metropolis 2020 (Moderator)
      • Cynthia Parker, Interaction Institute for Social Change
      • Ken Snyder, PlaceMatters.Com
      • Anne Udall, The Region Speaks, Lee Institute
    • Notes

    • Option B: Engaging Business Leadership in the Regional Development Agenda
    • Overview
      • George Vradenburg, AOL Time Warner Inc. (Moderator)
      • Erin Flynn, MetroBusinessNet
      • Ann Lang, CEOs for Cities
    • Notes
    • Additional Materials
      • "It Takes a Region to Build a New Economy"
      • "Regional Prepredness and Recovery"
      • "A Region Responds to Hurricane Isabel"
      • "Building Nonprofit Sector Capacity for Emergency Preparedness in Greater Washington"
      • "Nonprofits Key to Emergency Preparedness"
      • "A Blueprint for Regional Preparedness by Nonprofits"

    • Option C: University-Community Partnerships
    • Overview
      • Travis Reindl, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (Moderator)
      • Charles McCrea, C McCrea Associates; Environmental Careers Organization
      • Charles Euchner, Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, Harvard University
      • John Schneider, MassINC
    • Notes

Friday, November 7

Morning Program

  • ARS Update
    • Overview
      • John Parr, President and CEO, Alliance for Regional Stewardship
    • Notes
  • ARS New Monograph Workshops
  • Overview
    • Metropolitan Regional Grantmaking
      • Nancy Douzinas, Rauch Foundation (Moderator)
      • Nick Bollman, California Center for Regional Leadership
      • Ben Starrett, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
    • Notes

    • Inclusive Stewardship
      • James Gibson, PolicyLink (Moderator)
      • John Melville, Collaborative Economics
      • Notes
  • Concurrent Workshops and ARS Group Meetings
  • Overview
    • Principles of Pragmatic Regionalism
    • Overview
      • Discussion moderated by Scott Fosler, University of Maryland at College Park
    • Notes
    • Additional Materials
      • Principles of Regional Stewardship

    • Regional Indicators
    • Overview
      • Discussion moderated by Allan Wallis, Catanese Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, Florida Atlantic University/Florida International University
    • Notes
    • Additional Materials
      • "Telling Our Story, Measuring our Progress: California's Regional Quality of Life Indicator Projects"

Luncheon Program

  • Multi-Sector Initiatives
    • Overview
      • Neal Peirce (Moderator)
      • Robert Grow, Envision Utah
      • Doug Henton, President, Collaborative Economics
      • Deborah Nankivell, Fresno Business Council
      • Christine Chadwick, Alliance for Regional Stewardship
    • Notes
    • Additional Materials
      • "A Glimpse of History: The Fresno Business Council"
      • "Community Values of the Fresno Region"
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