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Alliance for Regional Stewardship (ARS) Forum
NOVEMBER 5-7, 2003
Theme: Large Scale Collaboration


Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Arrival and Registration Omni Parker House Hotel
2:30 Boston Local Initiatives Tour
Join us for a bus tour through a number of Bostons surrounding communities, where local representatives will discuss the local and regional issues they are facing and how those issues are being addressed.
Dinner on your own Restaurant List with various price ranges at registration desk

Thursday, November 6, 2003
8:00 8:30 Continental Breakfast Omni Parker House Hotel
8:30 8:45 Ice Breaker
8:45 9:00 Welcome
  • Christine Chadwick, Chair, Alliance for Regional Stewardship
  • David Soule, Northeastern University, ARS Board of Directors
9:00 10:30 Boston Making Collaboration Work

A panel of local regional and state officials from the Boston region will present the current status of a number of strategic initiatives at achieving large scale collaboration on critical issues. The session will be moderated by Curtis Johnson, President of the Citistates Group.

  • Curtis Johnson, (Moderator)
  • Marc Draisen, Director, Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council
10:30 10:45 Break
10:45 12:15 Collaborating on Smart Growth The Boston Experience
  • Curtis Davis, Landscape Architect, Boston (Moderator)
  • Charlotte Kahn, Boston Foundation Indicators Project, The Boston Foundation
  • Larissa Brown, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance
12:15 1:45 Lunch Program: The Learning Curve Universities as Partners in Place

Presidents of several local and national Universities will address the question of bringing the resources of academic institutions into the local situation as a steward of their place.

  • Richard L. Pattenaude, President, University of Southern Maine
  • Richard M. Freeland, President, Northeastern University
  • The Honorable Glenda E. Hood, Florida Secretary of State
1:45 3:15 Concurrent Interactive Workshops
  • Tools for Planning
    • Ken Snyder,, Denver, Colorado
    • Anne Udall, The Region Speaks, Charlotte, N.C
    • Cynthia Parker, Interaction Institute for Social Change, Boston
    • Charlie Wheelan, Chicago Metropolis 2020 (Moderator)
  • Engaging Business Leadership in the regional development agenda
    • Erin Flynn, Metro Business Net, Boston
    • Ann Lang, CEOs for Cities, Boston
  • University-Community Partnerships
    • Travis Reindl, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
    • Charles McCrea, C McCrea Associates
    • Charles Euchner, Executive Director, Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston
3:15 3:30 Break
3:30 5:00 Concurrent Peer-to-Peer Sessions

Following on the success of similar sessions at other Alliance Forums, conference participants will identify topics throughout the morning that will be used for self-selecting peer-to-peer workshops.

6:00 7:30 Reception -- The Boston Foundation
  • Mary Jo Meisner, Vice President, The Boston Foundation
7:30 Dinner on your own

Our hosts will identify 5 restaurants within walking distance of the reception and the hotel where participants can join other stewards for networking and social interaction.

Friday, November 7, 2003
8:00 8:30 Continental Breakfast
8:30 9:00 ARS Update John Parr
9:00 10:15 ARS New Monograph Workshops

Participants will choose one of two workshops presenting the findings of recent ARS studies, summarized in just-released monographs to be distributed to all participants. The session on Inclusive Stewardship will focus on the process and practices of regional and community leaders taking shared responsibility for a long-term commitment to place; the session on Metropolitan Regional Grantmaking will examine patterns of foundation support of regional and smart-growth initiatives, programs and activities

  • Metropolitan Regional Grantmaking
    • Ben Starrett, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
    • Nick Bollman, California Center for Regional Leadership
    • Nancy Douzinas, Rauch Foundation, Long Island (Moderator)
  • Inclusive Stewardship
    • John Melville, Collaborative Economics, Mountain View, CA (moderator)
    • Jim Gibson, PolicyLink, Washington
10:15 10:30 Break
10:30 12:00 Concurrent Workshops and ARS Group Meetings

During this time, several ARS affinity groups, including the new Regional Indicators group, will meet. Several workshops are under development for participants not involved in these groups.

  • Regional Indicators
  • Principles of New Regionalism Scott Fosler
    12:00 2:00 Luncheon Program

    A panel on multi-sector regional initiatives with stewards from several of the successful programs. These programs have been highlighted in the new book, Civic Revolutionaries: Igniting the Passion for Change in America's Communities. The book, written by Doug Henton, John Melville and Kim Walesh will be given to all the participants. CNN has expressed an interest in covering such a session, as well as interviewing participants in the Forum.

    • Neal Peirce (Moderator)
    • Robert Grow, Envision Utah, Salt Lake City
    • Deborah Nankivell, Fresno Business Council
    • Doug Henton, President, Collaborative Economics
    The Regional Stewardship Awards Program will also be announced during the luncheon.
    Afternoon ARS Working Committees
    The ARS Regional Stewardship Forum is sponsored by the following organizations:
    • The Boston Foundation
    • The Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council
    • The United States Geological Survey Federal Geographic Data Committee
    • The Environmental Careers Organization
    • Futureworks
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