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Alliance for Regional Stewardship Forum " National Stewardship Forum
St. Louis, Missouri " May 15-16, 2003

This National Stewardship Forum took place May 15-16, 2003 in St. Louis, Missouri at the Renaissance Grand Hotel and the St. Louis Executive Conference Center at Americas Center. Cosponsors included FOCUS St. Louis and the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association. Key elements of the proceedings are posted below. Hotlinks to organizations are also provided.

Annotated Agenda

Thursday, May 15

Morning Plenary Program

  1. St. Louis Case Study
  1. Writers Panel
    • Overview
      • Bob Yaro, President, New York Regional Plan Association (Moderator)
      • Scott Fosler, Author, Working Better Together
      • Terry Jones, Author, Metropolitan Chase
      • Todd Swanstrom, Co-Author, Place Matters: Metropolitics for the 21st Century
    • Notes
  1. Session 1, Option ABuilding Regional and Community Development Partnerships
    Session 1, Option BMeasuring Regional Progress: Indicators and Identity

    • Overview
    • Presentations
      • Neal Peirce, Chair, (moderator)
      • MaryBeth Burton, Director, Regional Programs, , Florida Atlantic University, (download PDF)
      • Charlotte Kahn, Director, Boston Indicators Project, The Boston Foundation
      • Charles Wheelan, Communication Director, Chicago Metropolis 2020 (download PowerPoint)
  1. Session 2, Option ARole of Foundations: Regional Grantmaking
    Session 2, Option BRegional Partnerships with the Federal Government
    • Overview
    • Presentations
      • David Warm, Executive Director, Mid-America Regional Council (moderator)
      • Ruben Barrales Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, White House
      • Richard Doege, Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Institute for the Regional Community (download PDF)
      • Michelle Lennihan, Regional Innovations Initiative, Council on Competitiveness, (download PowerPoint)
    • Notes

Friday May 16

Morning Plenary Program

  1. Morning RemarksDoug Henton, Collaborative Economics
  2. Louisville Metro Keynote AddressJoan Riehm, Deputy Mayor of Louisville Metro
    • Overview
    • Video of Keynote Presentation in QuickTime (Warning: this 35 minute video is 38MB. If you are interested in ordering a higher resolution version of this video on CD or DVD, contact ARS at )
    • Refer to Keynote PowerPoint Presentation for visuals.
    • Notes
  1. Peer-to-Peer Sessions
    • Cross-Sectoral Multi-Jurisdictional Regional Partnerships (download PDF)
    • Regional Indicators Projects (download PDF)
    • Cross-Sectoral Regional Partnerships and Regional Indicators Affinity Group memoranda (download PDF)

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