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Alliance for Regional Stewardship (ARS)
Forum on Regional Stewardship
May 4-6, 2005
Washington, D.C.
"The Next Generation in Collaboration--Linking Economic and Social Issues"

File Name
General Information Forum Agenda DCForumAgenda.pdf
Participant List DCParticipants.pdf
Setting the Stage
The Greater Washington Region
Overview GreaterWashingtonOverview.pdf
Speaker: Alice Rivlin, Brookings Institution Rivlin.ppt
Speaker: Parris Glendening, Former Governor, Maryland SGLI.pdf
Session Notes GreaterWashingtonNotes.pdf
Multi-State Regional Issues Overview MultiStateOverview.pdf
Speaker: David Warm, Mid-America Regional Council, Kansas City, Missouri MARC.pdf
Speaker: Tom Wright, Regional Plan Association, New York, New York RPA.pdf
Session Notes MultiStateNotes.pdf
Multi-Sector Perspectives Overview MultiSectorOverview.pdf
Speaker: Penny Gross, Fairfax County Supervisor, Region III (D.C., MD, VA, WVa); National Association of Regional Councils Board of Directors NARC.pdf
Speaker: Randy Lyon,, Central Florida; Urban Land Institute Lyon.ppt
Session Notes MultiSectorNotes.pdf
Greater Washington:
Social-Economic Collaborations
Overview SocialEconomicOverview.pdf
Speaker: Caroline Cunningham, Vice President, Regional Partnerships, Greater Washington Board of Trade PotomacConference.pdf
Speaker: Jim Gibson, PolicyLink; Center for the Study of Social Policy, Washington D.C. Gibson.ppt
Session Notes SocialEconomicNotes.pdf
Workforce Overview WorkforceOverview.pdf
Additional Materials BudgetCuts.pdf
Speaker: Drew Dugan, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce ProjectNext.pdf
Speaker: Cheryl Welch, Executive Administrator, Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc., Northeast Wisconsin NEWStudy.pdf
Session Notes WorkforceNotes.pdf
Health Care Overview HealthCareOverview.pdf
Additional Materials HealthPolicy.pdf
Speaker: Malo Hutson, FutureWorks, Arlington, Massachusetts Hutson.ppt
Speaker: Parminder Jassal, Greater Louisville, Inc. Jassal.ppt
Speaker: Pam Troup, St. Anthony North & Central Oklahoma Turning Point, Oklahoma City Troup.ppt
Session Notes HealthCareNotes.pdf
Homeland Security Overview HomelandSecurityOverview.pdf
Speaker: Linda Mathes, CEO, American Red Cross of the National Capital Area EmergencyPreparedness.pdf
Speaker: Ernest Blackwelder, Senior Vice President, Business Executives for National Security, Washington, D.C. BusinessSense.pdf
Speaker: John Cohen, Senior Adviser, Executive Office of Public Safety, State of Massachusetts MAStrategy.pdf
Speaker: Christy Gibney Carey, Senior Director, Emergency Planning and Preparedness, Safe Horizons, New York, New York SafeHorizon.pdf
Session Notes HomelandSecurityNotes.pdf
Regional Equity Overview RegionalEquityOverview.pdf
Additional Materials PolicyChange.pdf
Speaker: Katherine Perez, Executive Director, Transportation and Land Use Collaborative of Southern California Perez.ppt
Speaker: Meredith Freeman, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Detroit, Michigan Freeman.ppt
Speaker: M. von Nkosi, Director, Mixed Income Communities Initiative, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership MIND.pdf
Session Notes RegionalEquityNotes.pdf
Federal Policy Towards Regions Overview FederalPolicyOverview.pdf
Speaker: Randall Kempner, Vice President, Regional Innovation, Council on Competitiveness, Washington, D.C. InnovateAmerica.pdf
Speaker: Sandy Baruah, Chief of Staff, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce RegionalCompetitiveness.pdf
Session Notes FederalPolicyNotes.pdf
Transportation Overview TransportationOverview.pdf
Speaker: Cindy Burbank, Associate Administrator for Planning, Environment, and Realty, Federal Highway Administration FHAInitiatives.pdf
Speaker: John Parr, President & CEO, Alliance for Regional Stewardship Parr.ppt
Session Notes TransporationNotes.pdf
?Stealth? Federal Practices Encouraging Collaboration Overview StealthPracticesOverview.pdf
Speaker: Kathy Covert, Associate Strategist, United States Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey FGDC.pdf
Speaker: Eldon Hout, Director, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration NOAA.pdf
Session Notes StealthPracticesNotes.pdf
Friday Luncheon Overview LuncheonOverview.pdf
2005 Regional Stewardship Awards 2005Awards.pdf
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