RegionWatch Index

July 2005


Rebecca Morgan, President, Morgan Family Foundation


When Doug Henton and I founded what came to be known as The Alliance for Regional Stewardship, we envisioned nothing less than a sea change in the way regions are governed.  Governed as in the Latin “gubernare” to direct, to steer, to guide.  A new method of governance, not more government!



Research Triangle Region, North Carolina

Marketing a "Linked Region"

The Research Triangle region of North Carolina is an area with separate, linked communitiesmid-size cities, small towns and rural areas.  No one city defines the Triangle region, as in other major metropolitan areas such as Atlanta , Boston or Washington , D.C .  The region is anchored by Duke University in Durham , the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University in Raleigh .  In 1959, these universities worked together with business and industry leaders to creat Research Triangle Park , where there are now over 110 research and development facilities for technology firms like IBM, Nortel Networks, Cisco Systems, Credit Suisse First Boston, and Network Appliance.  Within the region is one of the nation’s largest concentrations of college graduates as well as the world's highest concentration of contract-research organizations. The region is home to 53 percent of the state’s high tech jobs, and consistantly ranks high in livability indexes among large metropolitan areas.



Each month in 2005, ARS will be introducing its Board members and Associates. This month, we introduce George Vradenburg, Chair of the ARS Board of Directors and President of the Vradenburg Foundation, and David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council.



ARS Begins Planning Fall 2005 National Forum

12th National Forum will highlight Louisville Merger experience

Registration is now available for the Fall ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship, to be held in Louisville, Kentucky, November 8-11, 2005. Online registration will be available soon; participants who wish to register now may download a registration form from our website.

The Forum will be proceeded by a Workshop titled "Lessons from Merger" that will highlight the 2003 Louisville-Jefferson County merger experience. Starting Tuesday, November 8th at 1:00pm, representatives from Louisville's public, private, and nonprofit sectors will discuss the history, process, and lessons learned from the merger.


Next Regional Stewardship Boot Camp To Be Held November 9th in Louisville, Kentucky

The John W. Gardner Academy announces plans for the next Regional Stewardship Boot Camp to be held in conjunction with the National Forum in Louisville this November. The Regional Stewardship Boot Camp is an intensive, one-day session and 6 months of follow-up coaching aimed at showing participants how to launch a breakthrough regional stewardship initiative or take an existing effort to the next stage. Details and registration information are available on the web site at

 For more information about the Regional Stewardship Boot Camp, contact Amy Carrier, Alliance Manager, or by calling .


Staying On Top

Research Triangle Regional Partnership Working to Create 100,000 New Jobs

The Research Triangle Regional Partnership (RTRP) is a public-private partnership of economic development agencies that works collaboratively with the North Carolina Department of Commerce to market the 13-county Research Triangle Region of North Carolina for the economic benefit of its communities.

RTRP is leading a new regional economic development strategy, known as “Staying on Top:  Winning the Job Wars of the Future.”  The goal of this $5 million, 5-year plan is to create 100,000 new jobs and boost employment in all 13 counties of the region.



Clinic on Regional Collaboration

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP) is seeking proposals from people interested in regional collaboration on land use issues and land policy.

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP) is a nonprofit educational institution established in 1974.  It seeks to inform and invigorate land policy through research and education programs.  The Institute does not advocate a particular point of view, but rather brings together scholars, policymakers, and citizens with a variety of backgrounds and experience to study, reflect, and exchange insights on land and tax policies.

In cooperation with several organizations, LILP teaches a two-day professional development course on Regional Collaboration: Learning to Think and Act Like a Region.  To complement this skill-building course, LILP is available to convene a limited number of hands-on clinics with stakeholders in their own regions.


National Endowment For The Arts and EPA Announce Governor's Institute On Community Design

Former Governors Christine Todd Whitman, Parris Glendening, and Angus King encourage state leadership in well-designed growth

Washington, DC The National Endowment for the Arts announces the Governors’ Institute on Community Design (GICD), a new initiative to support governors’ leadership in good community design and innovative planning.  Created in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Institute comprises of a series of workshops that initially will be held up to four times a year, pairing governors and their cabinets with top planning experts and practitioners to identify strategies for well-designed planning which will have a positive effect on American life.


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RegionWatch Index