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May 2005


Robert Grow, Secretary-Treasurer, ARS Board of Directors

Many reading this newsletter will have just returned from a great Spring National Forum in Washington, D.C., where those of us engaged in regional stewardship focused on the importance of learning from each other.  A recent survey of regional practitioners revealed that the Alliance for Regional Stewardship?s greatest value lies in the networking opportunities it provides, which enables practitioners to learn how other regions are addressing the issues they are facing.

As the founding chair of Envision Utah, I can personally attest to the value that ARS brings to regions and practitioners.  The National Forums, Regional Stewardship Awards, Regional Stewardship Visitors' Program (R.S.V.P.), Gardner Academies, Affinity Groups, RegionLink, monographs and newsletter are all designed to encourage cross-region learning, by making best practices and lessons learned the central focus of the work that ARS does.  Receiving the 2004 Gold Regional Stewardship Award enabled Envision Utah to continue working with ARS to bring our own experiences to regions across the country.

As regional practitioners, we all struggle to focus on and address our own regional problems while recognizing our place in the nationaland globalarena.  The focus of the Greater Washington National Forum?The Next Generation in Collaboration:  Linking Economic and Social Issues?emphasized the importance of a wide-lens vision for the future.  Together we are learning ways to solve problems and reach beyond our own communities to our neighbors and distant friends.  The Alliance for Regional Stewardship is striving to make this goal a reality.  We?re well on our waywe look forward to making the journey together with you.


Robert Grow
ARS Board of Directors


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