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Robert Grow, Secretary-Treasurer, ARS Board of Directors

Many reading this newsletter will have just returned from a great Spring National Forum in Washington, D.C., where those of us engaged in regional stewardship focused on the importance of learning from each other.  A recent survey of regional practitioners revealed that the Alliance for Regional Stewardship?s greatest value lies in the networking opportunities it provides, which enables practitioners to learn how other regions are addressing the issues they are facing.




Transit Collaboration in Denver

In November 2004, the residents of the Denver metro area passed the FasTracks initiative, a $4.9 billion expansion of the region?s light rail and bus system.  The initiative, a collaborative effort of environmentalists, business and civic networks passed 58 to 42 percent.  will be the largest and fastest expansion of any transit system in the country and has tremendous potential for affordable housing, transit-oriented development and walkable communities in a continually growing metropolitan area.



Each month in 2005, ARS will be introducing its Board members and Associates. This month, we introduce Katherine Perez, Executive Director of the Transportation & Land Use Collaborative of Southern California (TLUC), and Pike Powers, Partner, Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.



Spring Forum in Washington, D.C.

11th National Forum sees record attendance

On May 4th, regional practitioners gathered in Washington, D.C. for the 11th ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship Spring meeting.  Entitled ?The Next Generation in CollaborationLinking Economic and Social Issues,? the forum examined the critical aspects of collaboration among sectors, across jurisdictions and across issues.  The Forum had its highest attendance, with over 140 practitioners representing 38 regions from coast to coast.


Choosing the Best Tools for the Right Problems

Lessons from the Gardner Academy

Most people have heard the old saying "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."  Regional stewards are learning they need to create teams who diagnosis regional challenges and learn from best practices to choose the most appropriate tools for their specific problems.  This is one of the key lessons learned from 10 regional John W. Gardner Academies for Regional Stewardship.


ARS Announces 2005 Regional Stewardship Award Recipients

Northern Kentucky, Greater San Diego, and Northeast Wisconsin honored at National Forum

On May 6th, the Alliance for Regional Stewardship (ARS) announced the recipients of the 2005 Regional Stewardship Award.  Representatives of Greater San Diego?s Partnership for the New Economy, the Northeast Wisconsin Coalition on the Regional Economy (NEW CORE), and Northern Kentucky?s Vision 2015 each were presented with a $15,000 stipend at the ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship in Washington D.C.



Smart Metropolitan NeighborhoodsExperts Online Webcast

Smart Growth America and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) are jointly sponsoring a series of interactive, informative webcasts on how urban neighborhoods across America are working to become more livable and sustainable.

All presentations will take place from 2:00 3:30 p.m. EST.

The sessions are conducted using Microsoft Live Meeting and are available for download or streaming format after the event is completed.  Anyone with access to the Internet and a phone can participate in an Experts Online Webcast from his/her desk at the scheduled time.  Participants will be able to hear the expert(s) speak, view the corresponding visual presentation in real time, and pose written or oral questions to the speaker(s) during the event.


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